centre d'art i
natura de
Una residència de treball per a artistes i investigadorxs d’arreu del món al cor de l’Alt Pirineu. Situat a més de 1300 metres d’altitud, el CAN és un espai pensat per a la productivitat i la desconnexió. El lloc ideal per gaudir del privilegi de treballar i concentrar-se, sol o en grup, en un entron natural únic i inspirador.
What is the CAN?
A place to retreat and create

The Centre d'Art i Natura is a project managed by the Friends of the Art and Nature Center (ACAN) association and, since 1996, has offered work spaces to artists from all over the world, becoming one of the first international residencies for artists in Catalonia.
Managed collaboratively with strong community support, the CAN is committed to giving back to its surroundings. With nearly 30 years of experience, this center—born from a grassroots initiative—was awarded the 2020 National Culture Award for its "excellence in cultural management in a decentralized environment like the High Pyrenees."
How to apply for a residency at CAN?
To apply for a retreat at the Centre d’Art i Natura, send an email to artinatura@farreracan.cat, explaining the project you wish to develop, your space requirements, and preferred dates for the residency.
The CAN team will review your proposal and respond with details about availability and budget.
Residencies are flexible and tailored in agreement with CAN management, aiming to meet the specific needs of the applicant.
The environment and spaces

The high-altitude environment, characterized by coniferous and deciduous forests, hay meadows, alpine pastures, and rocky outcrops, combined with its rich cultural, architectural, and human heritage, provides a unique setting for fieldwork, research, and study. At the Centre d’Art i Natura, disciplines span writing, music, painting, sculpture, engraving, dance, theater, scientific research, academic study, and cultural management.
The facilities include comfortable accommodations, well-lit studios, and spaces designed for artistic and research activities, seminars, and exhibitions. The center also organizes grants, exchanges, and cultural programs.
Farrera: A village of artists and herders
Situated at 1,360m in the Catalan Pyrenees, the village of Farrera has a long history and sunny orientation.
Thanks to the CAN, historic buildings have been restored to host artists and researchers, enriching the local community and fostering cultural decentralization.

the kitchen
The CAN kitchen,
one of the pillars of the project
One of the highlights of the Centre d’Art i Natura is its kitchen, run by chef Silvia Sampons, which offers group dinners every evening. These dinners provide residents with a chance to relax and enjoy an exceptional culinary experience. The cuisine reflects the center’s values, emphasizing high-quality ingredients that are natural, local, seasonal, and organic. The result is a variety of balanced, nutritious, and delicious dishes—a true pleasure for all the senses.
Fien Groffils, co-director.
Albert Baldomà i Batlle, co-director.
Laia Parés Termens, space coordinator.
Silvia Sampons, chef.

Our residents say:
Les meves parts preferides, els àpats. Tot i que la meva disciplina siguin les arts escèniques, la cuina és la meva gran passió. Cada dia, a les 20:30h, ens reuníem per sopar plegats. No ho negaré, era el meu moment preferit. La Silvia ens va fer un viatge per les diferents gastronomies del món, especialment la mediterrània i la de l'Orient Mitjà. Una autèntica joia.
De seguida entens que part del procés creatiu és compartir, no només amb els altres artistes, sinó també amb el poble, que s'involucra de forma activa amb el centre i l'experiència dels becats. L'Albert i la Tati abracen les propostes i, sobretot, exerceixen un rol d'anfitrions. No havien passat ni cinc minuts i ja em sentia com a casa. Les portes de les cases sempre estan obertes, i això de manera literal: no hi ha claus, però tampoc n'hi ha cap necessitat. Que visqui Farrera.
How to become a CAN member?
Would you like to become a member of the Friends of CAN? Send your application.
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